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Creating a Meaningful Experience at Work

Today, the modern employee is in search of a meaningful place to work. Studies show the employee seeks something special, something more meaningful at work. At the same time, studies also show, organizations are searching for ways to create such meaning at work. So there is an interesting dynamic unfolding in todays's organizations. But what is a meaningful workplace?

In a recent poll, 70% of those surveyed indicate that their personal sense of purpose is defined by their work. Just like any relationship we enter into, the more meaningful it is, the more we find ourselves committed and engaged we are. So, today's worker is needing their job to have a strong sense of purpose in whatever they produce or provide. But unfortunately, today’s workplaces have become so concentrated on profit margins, data, and other benchmarks, organization's have lost its way.

In other words, your employee's are seeking something special that they can be be apart of, contribute to, or provide their neighbor, their community, their customer, or the world. Whatever it is and whoever the desired recipient might be, the employee must gain a strong sense that it will may an impact in the lives of someone else. This is called an intrinsic response or to be motivated intrinsically.

Interestingly enough, studies have shown for quite sometime that the most effective ways to recruit, maintain, and retain employees involves high levels of intrinsic motivation. So, for employee to see a meaningful workplace should not be a complete surprise. And unlike its psychological counterpart or extrinsic motivation, to increase intrinsic motivation generally doesn’t cost anything. That said, it does require effort, effort in terms of leadership.

To learn more about intrinsic motivation and various ways you and your organization can create a more meaningful workplace, please continue by listening to the following podcast:


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